Tuesday, March 24, 2015


A new article by Jason Milman on rising marketing campaigns by drug makers has similarity with the marketing campaigns of cosmetic industry. The drug-makers in 2014 spent a whopping $ 4.5 billion on marketing campaigns, up from $ 3.5 billion in 2012.
          The ad campaigns focused more on drugs like Humira, Lyrica, Eliquis and other common problems, but the marketing trick is to promise more than what could be debatable. Drug marketers make their pitches directly to patients in order to make their marketing campaign more persuasive.
Like drug makers, the cosmetic industry also keeps consumers “impressed” with ever new claims with more imaginative ad campaigns. US consumers spent nearly $ 33 billion on beauty products in 2010, up by 6% from 2009.  The beauty industry market surveys reveal that girls between 8-12 yrs tend to spend more than $ 40 per month while those in 13-17 age group spend up to $ 100 every month.  Companies are, therefore, keen to have them as life-long customers.
However, cosmetic industry which is not so strictly regulated as drug industry, tries to project unrealistic results from their products. Last year, top brand L’Oreal was charged by US regulators for deception marketing when it claimed its anti-aging cream could make “visibly younger skin in 7 days”. It was described as “false” and “unsubstantiated”.
The common marketing phrases used are “clinically proven”, “boosts genes”, “new era of skin care : gene science”.  Obviously, these descriptions have more to do with the sales rather than the efficacy of the products. One also comes across phrases like “new studies” from unverifiable source purporting to support the marketing emphasis. 
In fact, many chemical ingredients in the so-called new formulations have toxic effects on sensitive skin, or other side effects. At Herbally Radiant we are therefore advising consumers to exercise right choice in the face of innovative new marketing campaigns.

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