Thursday, January 22, 2015


Among the important herbal ingredients in our (HerballyRadiant) skin care products, lavender is most widely used. 
Since old times, lavender has found common application in a variety of medicinal and beauty formulations  -  Romans loved lavender oils in perfumes, and as cleansing agent.
Due to its great healing and nourishing  properties lavender is used in Herbally Radiant formulations for the following skin conditions:
Acne  : In their book “Milady’s Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary,” Natalia Michalun and M. Varinia Michalun note that oily and acneic skin benefits greatly from lavender-oil infused products that inhibit bacteria. The ingredient also works as an astringent and helps in normalizing oil production.
To provide quick relief to acne-affected skin, Herbally Radiant launched its special range “CLEAN” of Cleanser, Toner, Serum and Scrub. Aloe and aqua based, these have lavender besides Tea Tree Essential Oil, Vitamin B, C and A, and minerals to create smooth and bright skin.  Lavender speeds up healing of scars.
Redness Reducer : Lavender oil’s natural soothing properties and ability to reduce inflammation allow it to treat skin redness and conditions such as burns, eczema and psoriasis. Aggravated skin caused by stress can be calmed by lavender, as it also has stress-relieving properties.
Wonderful Healer : Lavender’s role as a normalizing agent extends to wounds and damaged skin.  The ingredient can help stimulate new cell growth and regeneration. It has been seen that  its skin-improving benefits can occur quickly, as lavender oil is rapidly absorbed into the skin.
In most of its formulations, Herbally Radiant has added lavender in combination with other herbs and plant extracts. This is among the key ingredients in its anti-aging and anti-acne formulations.  
Effective Beauty Products: Lavender essential oil also has anti-bacterial properties. In combination with other essential oils, it becomes extremely effective and  gentle skin-friendly natural formulation as face cleanser, moisturizer, body lotion, shampoo and conditioner.  It repairs any damage caused to skin due to sun or atmospheric pollutants. The anti-aging products launched by Herbally Radiant, namely: Rejuvenating and Radiant ranges, contain lavender which, along with other ingredients like aloe, extract of green and white tea, vitamin E and many others produce long lasting results, enhancing the natural beauty.
Aromatherapy: Many people also find lavender aromatherapy quite relaxing as it is reported to have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects.

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