Friday, May 15, 2015


As in other fields, new studies are on to revolutionize skin care system with the help of DNA techniques. Sensing consumer’s wish for optimized living through skin care products, many players have begun to integrate Essential Oils in their formulations. Giovaudan is reported to have launched Patchouli Oil sourcing initiative in order to capture customers’ attention and British beauty brand GeneU recently launched U+ service that uses DNA testing to match customer’s skin with specific products that counteract genetically based aging.

As we have highlighted earlier, Essential Oils are more beneficial not only to the skin care routine, but to the whole body. The natural products from Herbally Radiant have very high organic content, up to 93% as they all carry blend of Essential Oils that are known for their therapeutic value, while enhancing facial beauty. These Essential Oils create aromatherapy for the whole body, leading to stress-free mind.

Stress-free state of mind is crucial in order to revitalize skin and promote glowing beauty.  One study has reported that stress-related ills cost the nation $ 300 billion in terms of treatment and loss of man-hours & productivity. The anti-aging range of Herbally Radiant, (Rejuvenating andRadiant) come with unique blend of Essential Oils which provide optimum benefit through stress relief, while reducing facial lines and wrinkles, creating rejuvenation effect on skin.

It is a welcome trend that consumers are showing more interest in long term benefits, and in products which provide whole-some beauty.  Some companies are exploring DNA route to see if they can come up with new technique. The high-concept approach to health and beauty that’s sweeping industry is based on ‘Optimized Self’. Its proponents want access to customers’ DNA, the tightly wound set of codes and instructions that hold the complete building plan for every bit of your body, with a view to personalizing treatments to a molecular level and even predicting the disease that could kill you.
The beauty industry is adopting DNA route now after a study from retail market research group Canadean, which concluded that as high as 45 per cent UK adults are willing to pay for skincare created in a laboratory and developed for their customized needs while 54 per cent said they would provide blood, skin or hair samples to help develop tailor-made products.
There are, however, cost factors. First, the customers would be billed for DNA tests, up to $ 600 besides general health scan to complete the genetic make-up. The cost of customized formulations will be additional.  Second, beauty experts feel that ultimately with the new DNA-based technology also, the basic formulations will remain more or less the same, viz., retinol, vitamin C combined with other existing skincare ingredients.
For some of these companies, DNA testing is less an exciting marketplace opportunity and more an evangelical crusade. The customers need to have ownership of their own information, they need to be pro-active, and be the one taking charge. Making personal genetic information broadly available would pose many more questions and dilemmas, like advance signals of any other disease, or new health risks.
Therefore, the DNA route for innovative skin care formulations might not be a win-win outcome for the customers. It might divert them from their skin care needs to general health issues which should be dealt with more comprehensively with the help of health specialists, and not with the help of beauty experts.

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