Thursday, December 22, 2016


The MNT has an informative research paper on psoriasis by Jennifer Huizen, especially for those who have this skin disorder. Presently, 3.1 per cent of Americans, between 20 and 59 yrs, are estimated to have some form of psoriasis, and 5 per cent of it relates to skin.

Psoriasis is a noncontagious, autoimmune condition that affects the skin and the joints. It can appear almost anywhere on the body, but it most frequently affects the arms, legs, scalp, lower back, and upper torso. Palmoplantar psoriasis usually affects the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet specifically.

Exact causes vary from genetic to metabolic disorders characterized by obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. Factors likely to increase palmoplantar psoriasis include: Stress, Injury or wounds, Severe sunburn, Bug bites, Chemical and physical irritants, Allergens, Skin infections, Inflammatory conditions such as bronchitis, tonsilitis, Autoimmune conditions, Heavy alcohol consumption, Smoking, Obesity.

While physicians would prescribe strong medications or steroids, these have been found to provide temporary relief. Photo or light therapy can also be used for its treatment independently or with medication. Phototherapy involves routine exposure of skin to specific doses of natural or artificial ultraviolet light. These procedures might prevent flare up and discomfort.

However, there are alternative systems for healing psoriasis. These include herbs and plant extracts which are very skin friendly and create lasting conditions to get relief from psoriasis. First essential step is to use very mild soaps and bath oils that are dye and fragrance-free.   

Working on herbal solution to skin disorders, HerballyRadiant has launched many formulations with high organic content to offer relief.  Among the organic ingredients that it uses are :

Aloe Vera: Gel from the aloe plant can be applied to the skin up to three times a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Used as a disinfectant, it may help relieve scalp itch from psoriasis. Some people dilute it with water on a 1-to-1 ratio that helps prevent a burning sensation
Dead Sea Salts : Adding Dead Sea or Epsom salts to bath water and soaking in the tub for about 15 minutes may help remove scales and ease itching. Be sure to moisturize skin thereafter.
Oats : Considered one of nature's best skin soothers, oat paste, or taking bath in oats has been found to relieve itchy skin and reduce redness.
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is from the leaves of a plant that is native to Australia. Tea tree oil is believed to have antiseptic qualities and can be applied to the skin.
Turmeric : This herb is being frequently studied for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric also has the ability to alter gene expression. A 2012 review by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology highlights turmeric's ability to alter TNF cytokine expression. This is the likely reason some patients find it helpful in minimizing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis flares.
Mahonia Aquifolium (Oregon Grape) : A powerful antimicrobial herb that plays a role in immune response. A cream containing 10% mahonia is effective in treating mild psoriasis.
Dietary changes: Follow an anti-inflammatory diet: plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, those rich in carotenoids (mangoes, corn, sweet potatoes, carrots and squash, leafy greens and tomatoes).

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