Monday, May 16, 2016


A recent MNT article reveals new findings that explain several benefits from the use of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques. The article is available free on The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine website until June 2, 2016.  The article, "Personality Predicts Utilization of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction During and Post-Intervention in a Community Sample of Older Adults," describes how MBSR, which combines yoga meditation, and body scanning, may be helpful as a non-pharmacological approach to coping with emotional distress, loneliness, insomnia, and improving balance and coordination.

As a promoter of natural healthy living, focusing on herbal ingredients in food and beauty formulations, Herbally Radiant attaches special significance to natural techniques for stress handling, for the stressful looks make skin dull, removing its brightness, to the extent of exhibiting premature skin aging signs.

To deal with stress and restore calm, Herbally Radiant uses special Essential Oils (EOs) in its top beauty formulations, as part of aromatherapy in beauty treatment. It consists of using Essential Oils (EO) for creating curative effect on different parts of the body and face. This procedure is meant to assist natural ability of skin to balance, regulate, heal and restore its natural glow.

EOs consist of tiny aromatic molecules that are readily absorbed by the body. Oils are introduced into the body by inhalation which has the quickest effect. Entering through the Cillia (the fine hairs lining the nose) to the limbic system which when stimulated releases endorphins, neurotransmitters and other 'feel-good' chemicals. These control our moods, emotions, state of skin and general appearance, memory and learning, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, stress levels and hormonal balance. Thus EOs have a powerful positive effect on our state of mind. Stress-free mind is essential for overall good health and for maintaining skin well hydrated , revitalized, wrinkle-free and shining.

The EOs are derived from flowers, plants, resins and roots. These are the basic life force of organic flowers and plants, and are very effective in helping increase circulation and promote new cell growth, besides eliminating the toxins. Their calming and soothing effect is helpful in organic beauty treatment.

In Herbally Radiant products, special care has been taken to choose the right blend of EOs, with most compatible base or carrier oil.  The mixing of EOs and base oil is done in incremental steps. This should be done only by trained person or under expert guidance to ensure right effect on skin. Different skin types react differently to EOs.   It is important to ensure that aromatherapy through EOs is not given during pregnancy, or administered in a well regulated way.

Besides reducing tension, stress and headaches, regulating hormones and relaxing muscles, EOs in right blend effectively improve skin tone, stimulate the immune system and energize the whole system.  After successfully testing the efficacy of some EOs, Herbally Radiant has launched new range of Cleansers, Toners, Serums and Scrubs under the CLEAN range,  especially to address the problem of acne, black spots, lines and many skin disorders. The new CLEAN range formulations have received good reviews.

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