Monday, June 8, 2015


Like other enterprising skin care specialists, Herbally Radiant R&D team is also constantly searching for new plant ingredients and botanical oils which could help create new powerful formulations to enhance beauty.  Though many other players are coming up with products which they claim to create overnight effect, Herbally Radiant R&D team would advise caution whenever a claim is made which is ‘too true’ to deserve credibility
There is serious effort by many companies to search for innovative formulation which has more to offer to customers. Natural skin care products are often developed from plants. In general, plant-derived, botanical, cosmeceutical products tend to be antioxidant in action since these organisms must thrive in constant direct ultraviolet (UV) light, the Earth's most prolific manufacturer of free radicals. These skin-friendly products create natural defense mechanism for the protection of skin.  
There has been a new botanical oil ‘Marula Oil’ which is produced from wild growing trees in few southern African countries. Since the formulation is new, its safety and efficacy will need to be tested for some time. Natural seed oils used in cosmetics contain a range of fatty acids which contribute several beneficial properties in cosmetic and personal care products. Fatty acids are divided into saturated acids (e.g. palmitic; stearic; arachidic) and unsaturated acids (e.g.oleic; linoleic). Palmitic, oleic and stearic acids are synthesised inthe body but linoleic acid is not and a deficiency will cause various signs. The skin dries out and becomes scaly, nails crack, and hairloss as well as transepidermal water loss increases.
While launching its popular anti-acne formulation (CLEAN range), Herbally Radiant team noted that the linoleic acid is the most frequently used fatty acid in cosmetic products as it moisturises the skin, aids in the healing process of dermatoses and sunburns and is used for the treatment of Acne vulgaris.  Plants containing linoleic acid may be beneficial in acne lesion reduction as the anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to inhibit Propionibacterium acnes. Herbally Radiant finally came up with a fine combination of botanical oils, like Tea Tree and others, which have proved to be wonderful ingredients to get rid of acne and other skin disorders.

In yet another search to find a new facial serum to create amazing effect after the shortest possible use, Herbally Radiant team found that a highly effective restorative anti-aging serum could be made out of Grapeseed and Argan Oil.  For providing rich nutrients to the skin, Herbally Radiant added Australian Sandalwood oil, Citrus Bergamia oil and Pinkgrapefruit oil). The result is one of the finest facial serums “PERFECTION” which does create amazing effect on skin with few drops. It has no parabens, or any kind of chemical additives and is vegan.

The PERFECTION facial serum has received very good reviews from customers who have found significant reduction in aging signs with decreasing inflammation and free radicals.  The serum is a wonderful formulation to rejuvenate skin’s elasticity, thereby brightening skin’s appearance and heightening overall beauty.  

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