Saturday, October 22, 2016


Associating skin health with the overall physical health, we at Herbally Radiant  have been monitoring the latest research studies that are pointing to healthy lifestyle tips.
The New York Times has come up with some new factors leading to weight gain and consequent health problems.  It highlights the fact that while most 20-year-olds don’t worry much about their health, studies show the lifestyle and health decisions we make during our third decade of life have a dramatic effect on how well we age.
It adds that staying healthy in your 20s is strongly associated with a lower risk for heart disease in middle age; those who adopted five healthy habits in their 20s – a lean body mass index, moderate alcohol consumption, no smoking, a healthy diet and regular physical activity – stayed healthy well into middle age.
And a disproportionate amount of the weight we gain in life is accumulated in our 20s. The average woman in the United States weighs about 150 when she’s 19, but by the time she’s 29, she weighs 162 pounds – that’s a gain of 12 pounds. An average 19-year-old man weighs 175 pounds, but by the time he hits 29 he is nine pounds heavier, weighing in at 184 pounds.
It is true that it can be especially difficult for a young adult to focus on health. Young people often spend long hours at work, which can make it tough to exercise and eat well. They face job pressure, romantic challenges, money problems and family stress. Who has time to think about long-term health?
It, therefore, advises taking the following minimum steps to prevent obesity and to stay healthy :
1.       Weigh yourself often on bathroom scale or one at the gym because the weight tends to creep up starting in the 20s.
2.      Learning to cook. It will save you money and help eat more of veggies and fruits and nutrient-rich ingredients.  
3.      Cut back on sugar. Avoid excessive simple sugar by eliminating sugared soft drinks, breakfast cereals with added sugar, or adding table sugar to foods.
4.      Live an active life. Build physical activity into your daily life; fix a schedule in gym, take brisk walks.
5.      Eat your veggies. Increase intake of plant foods, go easy on junk foods.
6.      Practice portion control. It does not mean tiny portions of all foods. It’s okay to eat larger portions of healthy foods – no one gets fat from eating carrots.
7.      Practice post-party exercise. Excess drinking and snacking can also be balanced by increasing your physical work out.
8.       Happy lifestyle. It also includes that you have a job that you love. People who are less happy in their jobs are more likely to report depression, stress and sleep problems, and have lower overall mental health scores.  Remain more engaged in life and healthier behaviors which have long term benefits for their well-being.  

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