Tuesday, December 8, 2015


In the context of ever growing promotional campaigns, which at times, tend to project inaccurate or unverifiable claims about the efficacy and safety of a product, it is mainly for the information of the consumers if one product is labeled as "free from" any potentially harmful ingredient. However, some speakers, notably Special Advisor, IMCP, at the recently held in-cosmetic summit meeting in London, objected to this kind of marketing (i.e., "free from") as, in their opinion, it implies safety concerns over the other ingredient and certain chemicals.

It is true, and established beyond doubt, that certain chemicals, including parabens and some petroleum by-products, used in cosmetic products are potentially harmful. At Herbally Radiant we have been promoting herbal natural formulations in all skin care products which are marketed as "free from" campaigns. This is to help consumers to make informed choice when it comes to their skin care requirements. It is, therefore, only logical that the brands which use only healthy ingredients, or natural organic ingredients, market their products with "free from" claims.

This should be seen more from the point of public health in the first instance which should reflect total transparency and protect the interests of the consumer. 

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